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HomeLegacy Giving

Legacy Giving



To perpetuate RCA’s mission and outreach programs, please consider including RCA in your estate planning.  Your gift can be designated to support one of numerous RCA initiatives including our college scholarships, Youth Education program for middle and high school students, Young Achiever and Young Professional programs, the annual Technical Symposium, historic preservation in cooperation with the Antique Wireless Association (AWA), the quarterly Aerogram, the Proceedings and networking events and could also be designated to provide for day-to-day operations in order to continue the legacy of the first and oldest wireless communications organization.  Your legacy gift not only provides a solid foundation of support, it also makes a significant statement of your dedication and commitment to the wireless communications industry and ensures that your values live on beyond your lifetime.

You can achieve this in several ways. Bequests can be specific, general, percentage or residual. You can include bequests through a will or trust, IRA or 401(k) retirement benefit plan assets, or other types of appreciated property.  For example:
  • Name the Radio Club of America as a beneficiary in your Will or Living Trust. Provide your attorney and/or tax preparer with this bequest language, which can be adapted to suit your state laws or personal tax situation:
I give to the Radio Club of America, tax ID number 23-7064387, registered in Cape Canaveral, FL, a nonprofit corporation that is recognized as exempt from tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, with its principal offices at 13570 Grove Drive, #302, Maple Grove, MN  55311, [all (or ____ percent) of my residuary estate] or [the sum of $_______ ] to be used for its general purposes. 
  • Make a gift of cash or appreciated securities to establish a charitable gift annuity with RCA.
  • Create a charitable remainder trust (CRT) and name RCA as the beneficiary.
  • Designate RCA as the beneficiary of a paid life insurance policy or a retirement account.
If you are interested and would like to learn more about creating a legacy gift to RCA as part of your estate planning, please contact RCA Vice President/Counsel, Barney Scholl, Jr. at