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An Introduction to Wireless

This slide deck is provided as a courtesy from RCA at no cost to the wireless industry.  It is a basic introduction to the wireless industry for students, parents, guidance counselors, and those searching for a new career.  This free tutorial explains how wireless is ubiquitous in modern life, provides some basics of how wireless works, and includes an examination of the industries involved in wireless as well as the jobs and basic qualifications needed for those jobs.  At the end is a reference section with many links to more information. Those interested can earn a certificate or CEUs by passing the quiz and paying a small administrative fee.  Clicking on the title brings up the slide deck.

Where to Find Jobs in the Wireless Industries

RCA is providing, as a free service to its members and the industry, a listing of various websites that have wireless jobs. 

Disclaimer:  These websites are the property of their respective companies or organizations, and RCA has no relationship with any of these sites, and gains no remuneration from these sites.  RCA in no way warrants the suitability of these sites nor the jobs posted therein, the availability of jobs on these sites, the accuracy of the information about the jobs, or the likelihood of success in getting any job on these sites.



Or search any of the job websites for ‘wireless jobs’, or search specific companies in the wireless industry, like cellular carriers, etc.