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HomeEmerging Professionals

Membership for Emerging Professionals

Why RCA Is A Good Fit For You

The Radio Club of America is the World's Oldest Society of Wireless Professionals. We've been around a long time. We are there at any stage of your career.

RCA membership can help establish your career!
  • RCA, in collaboration with industry partner IWCE, has been sponsoring Young Professional Awards for over five years. This is a great way to be recognized in the industry and elevate your visibility.
  • Participate as a Mentee in the RCA Mentorship Program, and learn the ropes from a seasoned industry professional.
  • Participate in our networking breakfasts, receptions, and annual Awards Banquet and get to know industry Experts & Legends.
  • Join our quarterly online Interview Series to meet professionals from a wide range of wireless industries and careers.
  • Stay abreast of industry challenges and ongoing education by joining our upcoming Educational programs.
  • Attend our annual Technical Symposium, featuring expert presentations on all aspects of wireless. CEU's are available to help you keep your credentials up to date.
  • Learn from other wireless industries via our Partner Organizations in towers, satellites/space, utilities, and others!
  • Get involved in our Scholarship Program to help encourage the wireless arts in future generations.