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Member Types

Member Types

Per the RCA Bylaws there are eight classes of membership in the Radio Club of America.  They are briefly described below.  Please contact the RCA office at or (612) 405-2012 with questions.

Those wishing to apply online for membership in the Radio Club of America can do so HERE.


This is the grade of the majority of our members. It applies to persons who are not retired, nor are they any other membership grade.  One can become a member by filling out an application form and ideally having an existing Club member recommend you (this is not absolutely necessary).  This application is reviewed and the individual notified if they are accepted.  Upon payment of dues, the individual is considered a member.  This level of membership is entitled to vote, and to hold elected office as an Officer or Director.

It should be noted that certain Regular Members are entitled to a different dues rate if they were military disabled, or active or retired military.  The various dues rates can be found on the Membership Application or the Membership Renewal Forms.


This is the same as a Regular Member, but the member has reached the age of 65 or more, regardless of whether they are retired or not (Note:  this is a change from the past).  The Regular Member must apply for this category of membership upon the payment of their next due dues.  This level of membership is entitled to vote, and to hold elected office as an Officer or Director.  Dues are at a reduced rate.


These are members who are full-time students at an accredited academic institution at the middle school, high school, or college/university level.  This level of membership is entitled to vote, and to hold elected office as an Officer or Director.  Dues are at a reduced rate, determined as to whether the Student Member is under 16 years of age, or 16 years or older.  Upon ceasing to be a full time student, a student member should become a Regular Member at the next renewal of their dues.

Effective 2021, the member level of Student + 1 Parent was added, for students under the age of 18. A Family Membership was also added, for those families interested, this is ideal when there are 2 or more students interested in the wireless arts. Join at one of these levels today!


Any current RCA Member can apply for Life Membership and be exempt from further payment of dues under one of the three following conditions:

A Club member in good standing for the previous three (3) years and upon payment of twenty-five (25) times the then current annual dues.

A Club member in good standing for the previous three (3) years and who is sixty-five (65) years or more of age and upon the payment of fifteen (15) times the then current Regular or Retired member dues.

A Club member for twenty (20) years and upon payment of fifteen (15) times time the then current annual dues.

Interested members who fulfill the above criteria are invited to complete this Life Membership Application

Current Life Members who are interested may purchase our new mounted Life Member Certificate Plaque for $100.

If you are interested in ordering a plaque, please contact or call 612-405-2012.



Elevation to the status of Fellow is by nomination only to those persons who have been a member in good standing for the previous five years and whose contributions to the art and science of radio communications, or Broadcast, or the Radio Club of America are deemed outstanding by the Club. Nominations for Fellow must be submitted in writing by current Club members in good standing to the Fellows Committee and must be supported in writing by at least two members in good standing. The 2024 Fellows Nomination Form is now available. All nominations must be submit by May 1, 2024 as directed on the nomination form.

The Fellows Committee will report to the Board of Directors the names of all nominees for Fellow, including any relevant information regarding each nominee.  Invitations to persons to become a Fellow will be made to the Fellows Committee, who after due consideration will refer the matter to a majority vote of the Board of Directors.  Fellows remain entitled to vote, and to hold elected office as an Officer or Director.  Dues are unchanged from whatever former membership grade they held (e.g., if they were Life Members then they still don’t pay dues; if they were a Senior Member then they pay dues as that same rate, etc.)

The 2024 nomination period will close on May 1, 2024. Please download the Fellows Nomination Form and submit by the deadline of May 1, 2024.


An Honorary Member shall be a person of high professional standing who is interested in the activities of the Club. The status of Honorary Member shall be awarded pursuant to a majority vote of the Executive Committee.  Honorary Members may vote, but do not pay dues, and cannot hold elected office as Officers or Directors.


Corporate Members are members which are business organizations interested in supporting the Club. Applications to become a Corporate Member shall be reviewed by the Membership Committee for eligibility.  The standard application form is used with the Corporate Membership checked at the bottom of the form.  Eligible applicants will be recommended to the Executive Committee which can approve the application by majority vote.  Corporate Members are non-voting members of the Club, and cannot hold elected office as Officers or Directors.  Dues for a Corporate Member are determined by the Executive Committee, and are currently $1100/year or $2600 for 3 years. A corporate membership includes 10 employee memberships, to be assigned by the primary Corporate contact and updated annually (if desired).