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The Legacies of Edwin Howard Armstrong
By The Radio Club of America, Inc.
$30 print version | $15 electronic version
Paperback, 336 pages

The history of Edwin Howard Armstrong, a radio pioneer; invented regenerative circuit, invented superheterodyne circuit making two-way radio possible; invented wide band FM technology; developed with John Bose, FM multiplex transmitting which made radio and television stereo broadcasting possible; the Armstrong Medal.

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Radio Club of America Platinum Jubilee Yearbook
Celebrate 100 years of RCA history, from 1909 to 2009!

$25 (includes shipping & handling)
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The Jubilee Yearbook is available as a PDF download at no cost.
Note that the download may take several minutes because of the large file size (56 MB).
Table of Contents:
  • All past Radio Club Proceedings and Yearbooks
  • President’s Message – Stan Reubenstein
  • 2009 Officers, Directors & Committees
  • RCA Centennial Editorial – Martin Cooper
  • Congratulatory Letters from APCO, the Antique Wireless Association, and the Old-Old-Timers Club
  • 100th Anniversary Yearbook Preface – Jack Belrose
  • The Radio Club of America – Historical Overview
  • First Amateur Radio Club in America – Reprint from Radio Broadcast
  • The Many Faces of Radio – Martin Cooper
  • The Mythical Shortage of Spectrum – Martin Cooper
  • The Amateur Radio Service and the ITU
  • Amateur Radio Contributions to the Art and Science of Communications
  • Amateur Radio Exploration of 500 kHz
  • Peer-to-Peer Wireless Technology Past, Present and Future
  • Recent Developments in Antennas at the Communications Research Centre Canada
  • Software Defined Radio – Signals You Can See
  • The Quest for Higher Frequency
  • Ultra-Wide Bandwith Systems
  • Weak Signal LF Experimentation in Newfoundland
  • Presidents from 1984-2009
  • Membership List, October 2009
  • Radio Club Honorary Members
  • List of Awards, 2009