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The Radio Club of America produces several unique online and print publications as a key member benefit.  The bi-annual Proceedings combines articles on the latest breakthroughs, scholarly papers, topical interest pieces, articles about wireless history and important RCA information.  Members rely on the bi-annual Aerogram e-newsletter for the latest on Club events and news.  Regular e-mail updates keep members on top of event registration and other deadlines, as well as breaking news on new member benefits and other actionable information.

Radio Club members are actively engaged in specifying and purchasing wireless equipment for public safety and other government agencies and private enterprises.  Advertising in Radio Club publications is a way for your company to reach wireless product buyers in a highly targeted environment while positioning your organization as a supporter of RCA programs.

RCA publications offer you a smaller, but targeted community of buyers at a cost-effective rate.  You can easily tailor your content to the niche audience that RCA members representative.  Also, RCA publications are a less competitive environment.  Your advertising message will truly stand out. Download our current ad rates today!

View these recent issues of our Aerogram and Proceedings now, and join us to see the full library of these publications!

Spring 2021 Aerogram

Fall 2019 Proceedings

Looking for an article from a past issue? Check out our index HERE.


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